2:The backbone is a flexible chain of how many bones? 26
3:Where would you normally find a gavel? In an auction room.
4:What are the punched holes at the side of a stamp called? Perforations.
5:The centaur is a mythological creatue. It is half man and half what? Horse
6:Which is the very first birth the Bible records? Cain.
7:In the Book of Genesis how many days did Creation take? Six.
8:What is the fundamental oath usually associated with doctors?
The Hippocratic oath.
9:What is the name given to the killing of a brother? Fratricide.
10:Who gave his name to the seventh month of the year? Julius Caesar.
11:Where would you find the Guggenheim Museum? New York.
12:What would you do with a Lee Enfield? Shoot it.
13:Who is the patron saint for children? St. Nicholas
14:Which zodiac sign has the symbol of the Bull? Taurus
16:What does Antartica mean? The opposite of Arctic.
17:Which are the two smallest continents? Europe and Australia.
18:Which was the first war to be photographed? The American Civil War.
19:Which planet is known as “the red planet” ? Mars.
20:In the rhyme which child is born “full of grace” ? Tuesday.
21: “Mayday” is the word used as a distress signal. Where does it come from? It comes from the French word “m’aidez” which means “help me”.
22:Roald Dahl wrote a book called BFG. What does BFG stand for?
23:What is the capital of Turkey? Ankara.
24:Which part of the eye determines its colour? The iris.
25:Trichology is the study of what? Hair and scalp.
26:To what was the Trojan prophetess Cassandra doomed? To tell the truth and never be believed.
27:Who wrote The Tales of Peter Rabbit? Beatrix Potter.
28:What is a crack in a glacier called? A crevasse.
29:Which American city is nicknamed “The Windy City”? Chicago.
31:In the Bible, whose parents were Zacharias and Elizabeth?
John the Baptist.
32:If you had tinnitus what would you be suffering from? Ringing or buzzing in the ears.
33:In which sport did Stephen Roche achieve success? Cycling.
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