1:What is the name for a female Peacock? Peahen.
2:What does a milliner make? Hats.
3:I I wore a goatee where would you see it? On my chin- It’s a kind of beard.
4:What is a horse’s fetlock? Part of the leg.
5:How many couples take part in a quadrille? Four.
6: Is a modicum a lot or a little? A little.
7:If you were gazing at the firament which way would you be looking? Up. Firament is another word for Heaven.
8:How many in a bakers dozen? 13
9:If you are playing cards and you get a deuce of something what number would it be? 2
12:The Americans call it a faucet. What do we call it? Tap.
13:What is the system of raised printing that enables blind people to read? Braille.
14:On which river is Rome built? Tiber.
15:In the year 441 A.D.St. Patrick spent 40 days of Lent on the summit of which mountain? Croagh Patrick.
16:Where would you find the scut on a rabbit? It’s tail.
17:What is our name for the game that the Americans call “checkers”? Draughts.
18:Which Irish fair makes a king of a goat? Puck Fair in Killorgan.
19:what is a U.F.O.? Unidentified Flying Object.
20:Swine are another name for pigs. What are kine? Cattle.
21:Which country controls the Rock of Gibralter? Britain.
22:If you were caught in a half-nelson what would you be doing? Wrestling.
23:What does an elver grow up to be? An eel.
24:What was the name of Napoleon’s wife? Josephine.
25:Mohair and angora are both woven from the hair of which animal? The goat.
26:In which country do woemen wear the sari? India.
27:Germans are Teutonic: which people are Gallic?
28:Tipperary has a group of mountains which is the highest inland range in Ireland. What is this mountain range called? The Galtees.
29:what do you look at to tell the age of a horse? The teeth.
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