1:Who was the first Christian martyr? St. Stephen.
2:How many edges and sides has [a] Cone [b] Cylinder [c] Pyramid with a square for a base? [a] One edge and two sides[b]Two edges and three sides [c]Eight Edges and five sides.
3:Who was the first man and woman mentioned in the Bible?Adam and Eve
4:Who built the Ark? Noah
6:Who led the Israelites out of Egypt? Moses.
7:Who was the first King of the Israelites? Saul.
8:Name the three penninsulas that stretch southwards from Europe into the Mediterranean sea?
A: The Iberian Penninsula of Spain and Portugal. B: Italy C: The Balkan Penninsula of Greece, Albania, Bulgaria and Yugoslavia.
9:Who was the cook on the Hispaniola? Long John Silver.
10:Who sailed in the Argo in search of the Golden Fleece? Jason and the Argonauts.
11:What Centigrade temperatures correspond to 32° and 212° Fahrenheit?
0° and 100° Centigrade.
12:When and in what country was the metric system first introduced?
In December 1799 in France. It became compulsory in France in 1801.
13:How many squares are there on a chess board? 64
14:How many men in a game of draughts? 12 each. Total 24.
15:Where would you expect to find the line letters QWERTY in an office?
On a computer keyboard.
16:From which animals do we get [a] beef [b] mutton [c]veal [d] venison [e]pork
17:On a pencil what do the letters HB stand for? Hard Black.
18: What is the proper name for the lead in a pencil? Graphite
19:What are the first and last books of the Old Testament?
The first book is Genesis. The last book is Malachi.
20:What are the first and last books of the New Testament?
The first book is the Gospel according to St. Matthew.
The last is the book is the Relevations of ST. John the Divine.
21: In what language was the Old Testament written? Hebrew
22:In what language was the New Testament first written? Greek.
23: How many notes on a piano? There are 85 notes. Fifty white and thirty five black.
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