Tuesday, January 25, 2011

General Knowledge 6


1:Which is the largest joint in the body? The knee joint.
2:The backbone is a flexible chain of how many bones? 26
3:Where would you normally find a gavel? In an auction room.
4:What are the punched holes at the side of a stamp called? Perforations.
5:The centaur is a mythological creatue. It is half man and half what? Horse
6:Which is the very first birth the Bible records? Cain.
7:In the Book of Genesis how many days did Creation take? Six.
8:What is the fundamental oath usually associated with doctors?
The Hippocratic oath.
9:What is the name given to the killing of a brother? Fratricide.
10:Who gave his name to the seventh month of the year? Julius Caesar.
11:Where would you find the Guggenheim Museum? New York.
12:What would you do with a Lee Enfield? Shoot it.
13:Who is the patron saint for children? St. Nicholas
14:Which zodiac sign has the symbol of the Bull? Taurus
16:What does Antartica mean? The opposite of Arctic.
17:Which are the two smallest continents? Europe and Australia.
18:Which was the first war to be photographed? The American Civil War.
19:Which planet is known as “the red planet” ? Mars.
20:In the rhyme which child is born “full of grace” ? Tuesday.
21: “Mayday” is the word used as a distress signal. Where does it come from? It comes from the French word “m’aidez” which means “help me”.
22:Roald Dahl wrote a book called BFG. What does BFG stand for?
23:What is the capital of Turkey? Ankara.
24:Which part of the eye determines its colour? The iris.
25:Trichology is the study of what? Hair and scalp.
26:To what was the Trojan prophetess Cassandra doomed? To tell the truth and never be believed.
27:Who wrote The Tales of Peter Rabbit? Beatrix Potter.
28:What is a crack in a glacier called? A crevasse.
29:Which American city is nicknamed “The Windy City”? Chicago.
30:Which outlaw was killed by Bob Ford? Jesse James.
31:In the Bible, whose parents were Zacharias and Elizabeth?
John the Baptist.
32:If you had tinnitus what would you be suffering from? Ringing or buzzing in the ears.
33:In which sport did Stephen Roche achieve success? Cycling.

General Knowledge 5


1:In which country would you find Timbuktu? In Mali in Africa.
2:What is the sacred book of the Muslim people? The Koran.
3:What is the capital of Iceland? Reykjavik.
4:Where in the body is the labyrunth? The ear.
5:What is the common name for ascorbic acid? Vitamin C
6:Who designed the dome of St. Peter’s, Rome? Michelangelo.
7:Who was captain of the Pequod in Moby Dick? Captain Ahab.
8:What colour is a New York taxi? Yellow
9:What two letters are worth10 points in the board game scrabble? Q and Z.
10:Which creatures live in a formicary? Ants.
11:Where would you find the “Ocean of storms”? On the Moon.
12:What is the pirate’s flag with the skull and crossbones called? The Jolly Roger.
13:What is the art of clipping hedges into various shapes called? Topiary.
14:What is the Decalogue usually called in the bible?
The Ten Commandments.
15:What does a Geiger counter measure? Radioactivity.
16:In which novel does the parrot called Captain Flint appear?
Treasure Island.
17:What does the term AWOL mean to a soldier?
Absent without offical leave.
18:In WWII what was the Manhattan Project?
The development of the atom bomb.
19:What was Beethovens first name? Ludwig
20:Which country is known as the Land of the Midnight Sun? Norway.
21:What is a John Dory? A fish.
22:Which is the least used letter in the english language? Q
23:Only one American state begins with the letter L. name it.
24:What is measured by the truss? Hay or straw.
25:Which American ganster was known as Scarface? Al Capone.
26:What famous building would you find at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, washington? The White House.
27:In which French city was Joan of Arc burned at the stake? Rouen.
28:The Beatles founded their own record label. What was it called? Apple.
29:What is pyrophobia? Fear of fire.
30:What is non rhyming poetry called? Blank verse.

General Knowledge 4


1:If you went travelling somewhere on the shank’s mare, how would you be travelling? On foot.
2:The Springboks , The Wallabies, The All-Blacks and the Lions are nicknames for teams playing which sport? Rugby.
3:What is perma-frost? Permanently frozen ground.
4:When a bishop wears his mitre where does it go? On his head.
5:Nocturnal refers to what part of the day? Night-time.
6:What famous author had the christian names Hans Christian? Andersen.
7:On the 1st of November, 1884, a number of people  met in Hayes Hotel, Thurles. What did the meeting achieve? The founding of the G.A.A.
8:The Panama canal is a short cut between which two oceans? The Atlantic and the Pacific.
9:Does a mongoose lay eggs? No. It is a small animal in India that kills snakes.
10:Which Irish patriot is buried at Bodenstown? Wolf Tone
11:Where did St. Patrick light the Pascal Fire? Hill of Slane.
12:If you were swinging your niblick what sport would you be playing?Golf.[The Niblick is a club with a heavy round head.]
13:How do you make raisins? Raisins are dried grapes.
14:Is NEON a kind of glass or gas? Gas
15:Pool and snooker are both played on a table designed for another game. Which game? Billiards.
16:What national seat of learning do the initials TCD stand for? Trinity College Dublin.
17:On Crescent Quay in Wexford is a statue of Commodore John Barry. For what is he famous? He was the father of the American Navy.
18:Which musical instrument appears on the provincal coat of arms of Leinster? The harp.
19:What do we call someone who has a compulsion to steal?
A kleptomaniac.
20:In regicide who gets killed? The King.
21:In making jam what would you use pectin for? To set the jam.
22:On a piano which key is nearest to the keyhole? Middle C.
23:What sort of man was Merlin? A wizard.
24:Where was van Diemen’s land?The island of Tasmania off the coast of Australia.
25:What does a leveret grow up to be? A hare.
26:What is measured with a seismograph? Earthquakes.

General Knowledge 3

1:What is the name for a female Peacock? Peahen.
2:What does a milliner make? Hats.
3:I I wore a goatee where would you see it? On my chin- It’s a kind of beard.
4:What is a horse’s fetlock?  Part of the leg.
5:How many couples take part in a quadrille? Four.
6: Is a modicum a lot or a little? A little.
7:If you were gazing at the firament which way would you be looking? Up. Firament is another word for Heaven.
8:How many in a bakers dozen? 13
9:If you are playing cards and you get a deuce of something what number would it be? 2
10:If you went north of Malin head would you be walking or swimming? Swimming. It is the most northerly point in Ireland.
11:Where would a Manx be at home? Isle of Man.
12:The Americans call it a faucet. What do we call it? Tap.
13:What is the system of raised printing that enables blind people to read? Braille.
14:On which river is Rome built? Tiber.
15:In the year 441 A.D.St. Patrick spent 40 days of Lent on the summit of which mountain? Croagh Patrick.
16:Where would you find the scut on a rabbit? It’s tail.
17:What is our name for the game that the Americans call “checkers”? Draughts.
18:Which Irish fair makes a king of a goat? Puck Fair in Killorgan.
19:what is a U.F.O.? Unidentified Flying Object.
20:Swine are another name for pigs. What are kine? Cattle.
21:Which country controls the Rock of Gibralter? Britain.
22:If you were caught in a half-nelson what would you be doing? Wrestling.
23:What does an elver grow up to be? An eel.
24:What was the name of Napoleon’s wife? Josephine.
25:Mohair and angora are both woven from the hair of which animal? The goat.
26:In which country do woemen wear the sari? India.
27:Germans are Teutonic: which people are Gallic?
28:Tipperary has a group of mountains which is the highest inland range in Ireland. What is this mountain range called? The Galtees.
29:what do you look at to tell the age of a horse? The teeth.

General Knowledge 2

1:Who was the first Christian martyr? St. Stephen.
2:How many edges and sides has [a] Cone [b] Cylinder [c] Pyramid with a square for a base? [a] One edge and two sides[b]Two edges and three sides [c]Eight Edges and five sides.
3:Who was the first man and woman mentioned in the Bible?Adam and Eve
4:Who built the Ark? Noah
5:Who had a coat of many colours? Joseph
6:Who led the Israelites out of Egypt? Moses.
7:Who was the first King of the Israelites? Saul.
8:Name the three penninsulas that stretch southwards from Europe into the Mediterranean sea?
A: The Iberian Penninsula of Spain and Portugal. B: Italy C: The Balkan Penninsula of Greece, Albania, Bulgaria and Yugoslavia.
9:Who was the cook on the Hispaniola? Long John Silver.
10:Who sailed in the Argo in search of the Golden Fleece? Jason and the Argonauts.
11:What Centigrade temperatures correspond to 32° and 212° Fahrenheit?
0° and 100° Centigrade.
12:When and in what country was the metric system first introduced?
In December 1799 in France. It became compulsory in France in 1801.
13:How many squares are there on a chess board? 64
14:How many men in a game of draughts? 12 each. Total 24.
15:Where would you expect to find the line letters QWERTY  in an office?
On a computer keyboard.
16:From which animals do we get [a] beef [b] mutton [c]veal [d] venison [e]pork
[a] Cattle [b] Sheep [c] Calves [d] Deer [e] Pigs
17:On a pencil what do the letters HB stand for? Hard Black.
18: What is the proper name for the lead in a pencil? Graphite
19:What are the first and last books of the Old Testament?
The first book is Genesis. The last book is Malachi.
20:What are the first and last books of the New Testament?
The first book is the Gospel according to St. Matthew.
The last is the book is the Relevations of ST. John the Divine.
21: In what language was the Old Testament written? Hebrew
22:In what language was the New Testament first written? Greek.
23: How many notes on a piano? There are 85 notes. Fifty white and thirty five black.


Order of Planets from the Sun


Jupiter [Largest]
Saturn [Ringed Planet]

Star constellations

Star Constellations and their meanings.

Aquarius                           Water Carrier
Aries                                 Ram
Cancer                               Crab
Canis Major                      Greater Dog
Canis Minor                      Lesser Dog.
Capricornus                      Goat
Cetus                                 Whale
Corvus                              Crow
Crux                                  Southern Cross
Cygnus                              Swan
Draco                                Dragon
Equuleus                           Little Horse
Eridanus                           River
Gemini                              Twins
Hydra                                Water Snake
Leo                                    Lion
Libra                                 Scales
Pisces                                Fishesl
Sagittarius                         Archer
Scorpius                            Scorpion
Taurus                              Bull
Ursa Major                       Great Bear
Ursa Minor                       Little Bear.

South America Capitals and Currencies

Country                            Capital                        Currency

Brazil                                           Brasilia                        Real

Bermuda                          Hamilton   Bermudan Pound
Cuba                                 Havana        Cuban Peso
Peru                                  Lima                    Neuva Sol
Bolivia                             La Paz                  Boliviano
Ecuador                           Quito                    Sucre
Colombia                         Bogota        Columbian Peso
Argentina                         Buenos Aires     Neuva Peso
Paraguay                          Asuncion            Guarani
Urugay                             Montevideo       Urugayan Peso
Chile                                Santiago             Chilean Peso
Venezueala                      Caracas                Bolivar.
Mexico                             Mexico City         Peso.


As sly as a fox.                           As tender as chicken.
As slow as a tortoise.                 As meek as a lamb.
As brave as a lion.                      As proud as a peacock.
As busy as a bee.                        As blind as a bat.
As playful as a kitten.                As fresh as a daisy.
As fat as a pig.                            As strong as a horse.
As happy as a lark                      As mad as a March hare.
As wise as an owl.                      As swift as a deer.
As gentle as a lamb.                    As slippery as an eel.
As hungry as a wolf.                  As graceful as a swan.
As obstinate as a mule.              As stubborn as a mule.
As timid as a rabbit.                   As hairy as a gorilla.
As fast as a hare.                         As brown as a berry.
As sweet as honey.                     As white as snow.
As red as blood.                          As purple as the heather.
As green as grass.                       As sturdy as an oak.
As cold as ice.                             As agile as a monkey.
As old as the hills.                      As black as coal.
As weak as water.                       As pale as death.
As clear as crystal.                      As soft as putty.
As white as a sheet.                    As silent as the grave.     

Male and Female Animals

Male                           Female.

Colt                            Filly

Buck rabbit                 Doe rabbit
Bull                            Cow
Gander                        Goose
Steer                           Heifer
Boar                            Sow
Stag                            Hind
Fox                             Vixen
Ram                            Ewe
Tiger                           Tigress
Lion                            Lioness
Bull seal                     Cow seal
Leopard                      Leopardess
Tom-cat                      Tabby-cat
Drake                          Duck
Stallion                       Mare

Collective nouns


A brood of chickens.                     A gaggle of geese.
A paddling of ducks.                     A herd of cattle.
A herd of antelope.                        A flock of birds. 
A flock of sheep.                            A swarm of bees.
A swarm of insects.                        A hive of bees.
A team of horses.                           A herd of buffaloes.
A troop of monkeys.                      A nest of rabbits.
A nest of mice.                               A pack of hounds.
A pack of wolves.                          A down of hares.
A fall of woodcock.                       A plague of locusts.
A kennel of dogs.                           A herd of elephants.
A wisp of snipe.                             A flight of doves.
A shoal of herrings.                       A school of whales.
A tribe of goats.                              A sloth of bears.
A skulk of foxes.                            A pride of lions.
A barren of mules.                         A covey of grouse.      
A litter of pups.                              A litter of cubs.
A flock of geese.

Capital Cities and Currencies

Quiz Practice European Capitals/Currencies.
Country                          Capital                             Currency.
Hungary                         Budapest                          Forint.
Iceland                            Rekjavik                 Icelandic Krona
Albania                          Tirane                               Lek
Armenia                         Yerevan                            Dram
Bosnia                            Sarajevo                           Dinar.
Bulgaria                         Sofia                                 Lev
Croatia                           Zagreb                              Kuna
Czech Republic.             Prague                           Krona.
Ireland                            Dublin                              Euro.
Austria                           Vienna                              Euro
Belgium                          Brussels                            Euro
Luxembourg                  Luxembourg                    Euro.
Spain                              Madrid                             Euro.
Sweden                           Stockholm           Swedish Krone
Denmark                        Copenhagen         Danish Krone
Holland                          Amsterdam                      Euro.
Finland                           Helsinki                            Euro
France                            Paris                                 Euro
Germany                        Berlin                                Euro.
Greece                             Athens                              Euro.
Italy                                Rome                                Euro.
Portugal                         Lisbon                              Euro.
Latvia                             Riga                                  Lat
Lichenstein                     Vadus                        Swiss Franc.
Lithuania                       Vilnius                              Litas.
Macedonia                     Skopje                              Dinar.
Malta                              Valletta                      Maltese Lira.
Norway                          Oslo                  Norwegian Krone
Poland                            Warsaw                            Zloty
Romania                        Bucharest                         Leu.
Slovakia                         Bratislava                         Koruna.
Slovenia                          Ljubiana                          Tolar
Estonia                           Tallin                          Estonian Kroon.
Switzerland                    Berne                           Swiss Franc
Turkey                           Ankara                             Lira
U.K                                 London                            Sterling
Yugoslavia                     Belgrade                     Yugoslavian    Dir.